revival women

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Bible In a Year Community | Starts January 1st!

  • Woven

    When a woman, with her own beauty, experiences, joys and sorrows, comes together with a community of women, they create a beautiful tapestry for the Glory of God. Join us for WOVEN, Revival's gathering for worship, prayer, and relationship for women.

  • Morning Watch Prayer

    Morning Watch Prayer (previously Mama Bear Prayer), comes from the monastic tradition of praying in the early morning hours. Meeting at 6am, we begin our day entering into intentional prayer for our kids, our marriages, our church and our community.
    Currently meeting 2nd + 4th Tuesdays | 6am | Starbucks 90th and Fort.
    If you'd like to start a Morning Watch in your part of town, email us!

  • Embrace Grace

    Embrace Grace is our ministry for single + pregnant women. They join for a 12 week video curriculum focused on the grace of God and the hope they have in Christ. It's a powerful ministry. The semester ends in a Baby Shower for the moms-to-be.
    More information:
    Contact: Jessica Wipf (

Great for those who would like to read the entire Bible in one year. Organized chronologically, this plan allows you to experience the Bible in order of events, often combining various books to follow the Big Story.

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A challenging Bible Reading Plan that immerses you in the entire Scriptures in only 90 days.

Readings generally take about 30 minutes. 2 grace days are included.

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Get a birds eye view of the full Word of God in an astonishing 75 days. See how all of the Bible weaves together!

This plan is a challenge. Listening to the daily readings on your favorite Bible app can help. This is too fast to be considered a Bible Study, but helps you carve out time for God’s Word that can later be used for deeper study.

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Known on the internet as the 30 Day SHRED, this plan goes Genesis to Revelation in 30 DAYS! The best part of this plan is that the OT books that can be hard to finish are done in a day two. Leviticus-one day. You also get a reminder of the OT and how it directly applies to the NT. Best to listen to on audio, as reading will take you a few hours. However, if you’re trying to establish a solid Bible Study time, this will help carve that out in your day for future studies.

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